Saturday, November 04, 2006
Saskatoon Berry Pie

What with Kent's goulash and cabbage rolls, I thought now was an appropriate time to post the dessert that would follow such deliciousness if served in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatoon Berry is a berry belonging to the rose family, that grows on small bushes in the Canadian prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), as well as the Northern Territories, Alaska, and the Northwestern USA. The largest city in the province of Saskatchewan is named after this berry, whose name comes from the Cree word misâskwatômina.
Many of my childhood memories include picking such berries to be turned into delectable jams, jellies, syrups, and the cadillac of Saskatchewan treats, Saskatoon Berry Pie. My momphoned my Grandmother for the recipe on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.
Kind of like a smaller, wilder blueberry, they stain your fingers and tongue purple. This pie is best warm with vanilla ice cream, but that particular slice was eaten for breakfast.
I'm diggin' it.
FYI, saskatoons grow in british columbia as well. My yard was full of them and, like you, enjoyed more pie than I knew what to do with.
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