Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Shrove Tuesday means a lot of things to a lot of Catholics and Christians out there: the last Tuesday before Lent begins, a 40-day period of fasting before Easter. This CBC article explains it very well...and lets me get right down to the food.
Shrove Tuesday (or 'Fat Tuesday' or even 'Mardi Gras') means pancakes. Before the fasting begins, all the fat and sugar and other goodness in the house needs to be used up; you can't have temptation staring you right in the face, now, can you? Pancakes are the perfect thing to use up the aforementioned indulgent ingredients.
I'm a great lover of breakfast for dinner, so tonight, to kick off Lent as best I can what with my loose morals, I made pancakes. Not just any pancakes- I made a German Pancake, or a Dutch Baby, depending on what your Mom called it growing up.
Oven baked, puffy goodness, it's very easy, with minimal ingredients and effort, and a deliciousable outcome. Even the Recovering Catholics (like me) will agree- Shrove Tuesday is one great excuse to eat pancakes.
God, I need to clean my oven.
Yay for pancake day!!!
Now on to the 40 day fast.. =/ owie.
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