International Blog of Food

Glorious Cuisine From Around the World

Friday, February 19, 2010
The 2nd Most Epic Breakfast I've Ever Had (Istanbul)
Seven different types of cheese, six different types of meat, and a whole lot of olives and sundried tomatoes

Eggs and Spicy Sausage

What's the most epic breakfast I've ever had? 1995. Some Hotel. Dusseldorf, Germany. I was 12, so maybe that's why it seemed a lot bigger than it actually was. I remember something to the tune of 15 different types of jams, eggs cooked to order in front of you, and a serious array of fruit.
posted by kent at 3:48 AM


Blogger Muriel said...

I very clearly remember the Desseldorf breakfast. It was AMAZING! I would say that you under-described it, by a LOT.

These breakfasts sure do look good though.

Oh yes, one more memory of the Dusseldorf hotel breakfast is that you and your brother went on your own and in bare feet!!!! This was not a family hotel. Everyone was wearing a suit! You and Rory must have been 12 and 9 yrs.

8:47 AM  
Blogger 三重古天樂 said...

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7:06 AM  

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